Monday, January 15, 2007

Tales of A Swordsman (Prologue - TheProphecy)

(Prologue: part 1)

The Prophecy!

Thebes, Ancient Egypt.

Within what is now known as the Great Temple of Amon. The high-priest Amu'Thep enters the Hypostyle Hall. Instructing one of his priests not to let anyone in after him.

Once inside the hall, he inserts the sun-shaped amulet, which he wears around his neck, in a similar shaped carving in one of the towering columns. Twisting it, the two statues of Anibus slowly moves apart, Revealing beneath an opening to a secret entrance to an underground tunnel below. The tunnel is about one hundred and fifty meters deep and over two hundred meters in length. At the end of the tunnel is a large cavern, used as an altar to the 'Hidden' god. This altar was made by the fore fathers and kept secret by the family of the high-priest.

There in the middle of the altar room, his deity awaits. He bows down in reverence to his god.

"You have served me well, Amu'Thep! Now I have another task for you!"

"I am your humble servant, my Lord, and I await your order."

"Have you brought the scroll?"

"I have, my Lord!"

"Write down everything I am about to say to you. But everything that I am about to say must never be told to anyone but to your sons and the sons of their sons alone, who will continue to serve me until the appointed time of my return!"

"Yes, myLord!"

"Soon, time will come that the gods of Egypt will fight each other, and chaos will reign the great land! Others will conquer and rule over Egypt! Armies from far away lands will invade this once great nation, and loot Egypt of her riches! Even the tombs of the Pharoahs will not be spared from their greed! But their bodies must never be touched until the appointed time of my return!"

For over a day, the high priest writes down all what his deity have spoken not minding the hours that has passed.

"Egypt will fall and rise! Her leaders in the future will be under the influence of men and Gods from other races! Even the God of the slaves will influence Egypt's rulers! But not forever! You're son , when the appointed time comes, will awaken me! And I in turn will raise the kings other gods and will be they will be united under my rule! Then I shall rule all of Egypt and all the other lands!"

(to be continued...)

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